Top 10k strings from Tombola (1987)(Dragan Soft)(cs).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   1 x```xxx` xx  x 
   1 x` ```xx`xx `x 
   1 tel.(089)21-822
   1 `xxx`x ```xxx
   1 `xxx``xx `x ``xx `x `xxx
   1 `xx `x ``xx  x```   `xx `x 
   1 `xx `x ```xx 
   1 `xx `x `  `` ``xx `x 
   1 `xx `  `` ``
   1 `xx  x`xx `x ``xx `x xx  x
   1 `xx  x ``xx  x
   1 `   ```xx  x
   1 3         
   1 2         
   1 1         
   1 0